• For Foreigners one to one

For Foreigners one to one


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The course is developed via Skype, chat, and email with professional teachers that are Romanian native speakers.

Course structure

The aspects covered by the online courses are: pronunciation, dialogues, conversation, vocabulary, grammar, exercises.

The teacher listens to you and corrects your pronunciation. The pronunciation is even more important than grammar. This is why an online course via voice chat is more important than a course of type "teach yourself". The teacher gives you feedback anytime it is necessary.

Being a private course, you can fulfill all your specific requests including a thorough plan for getting a certain level of Romanian. You can establish this plan together with your assigned teacher.

Teaching material is sent electronically.


The schedule is flexible according to your preferences. We try to fit the proposed schedule and mutually agree on it. The course starts anytime you want, it can end anytime you decide and can continue as much as you like. The minimum time per session is 1 (one) hour but we recommend 1.5 or 2 hours per session.

No registration fee, all taxes included, course materials included.

One teaching hour has 60 minutes.

Payment methods

The fees contain VAT and can be paid in various ways: 

(1) credit card (lei or euro, automatic exchange for any other currency)  

(2) bank transfer in euros or lei

(3) cash at our headquarters in lei (RON)

You prepay for the online individual lessons, for instance, a number of 10 hours. You can continue as much as you want until you feel confident that you have achieved your language learning goals.

Cancellation Policy

We kindly ask you to keep record of your planned lesson dates and times.

In case you can not attend a planned session, please give us 24-hour prior notice.

The planned session fee will be charged in case the cancellations are not made with a prior notice of 24 hours.


Fie că ești la început de drum sau vrei să te specializezi în acest domeniu, îți vom
oferi un, curs practic și ușor de înțeles care te va ajuta în dezvoltarea profesională.

Curs interactiv

Am conceput un curs complet în cadrul căruia vei avea parte de o experiență reală de mentorat cu practică pe bune într-un mediu plăcut și prietenos.

Suport educațional

Vei primi îndrumări din partea formatorului pe tot parcursul cursului. La finalul fiecărei ședințe de curs vor avea loc sesiuni de întrebări și răspunsuri

Garanția calității

Știm că atunci când vine vorba de educația ta vrei să faci cea mai bună alegere. Îți garantăm calitatea cursurilor cu returnarea a 100% din taxa de școlarizare.